Scrapers Valves – Pig Launcher / Pig Receiving

- Size range: 4’’ to 32’’
- Rating class ASME 150-300-600-900-1500-2500 ANSI
- Special seat design not to allow the dust entering the seat pocket area
- Vent Valve for toxic or dangerous service used to flux pure gas within the cavity
- Drain Valve for toxic or dangerous service used to drain the trapped liquid or gas
- Net to block the pig, removable or machined out of the ball according to customer request
- Locking capscrew
- Materials according to NACE MR 01.75/ISO 15156
- RMT VM Scraper Valves can be used for both launching / receiving of scraper pigs in the transport pipelines for gas, oil and its derivatives.
The function of the pigs is to scrape the pipeline wall, removing the wastes and black powder deposit which is the result of corrosion and erosion in the normal use.
Depending on the type of pig used RMT scraper valves are also the starting point for pipeline inspection or drying after system hydrostatic test.
With a single RMT scraper valves it is possible, in most of the cases to eliminate the need of a complex pig launching / receiving stations. The benefit of this solution is:
- To reduce space requirement
- To reduce the starting investment and the maintenance cost
It also allows the use of different types of pig.
Depending on the mounting in the installation, the same type of valve can serve to the scraper launching or to the scraper receiving.
Engineered together with the field engineers to be a safe product it includes a bayonet locked trapdoor and vent valves.