MS (Multi Stage) Control Ball Valve - Serie 43
The Serie 40s are the RMT VM product lines of trunnion-mounted ball valve for control application.
RMT VM has engineered three different designs in order to be able to suit every kind of application of ball control valves, even the most severe ones.
The 43 Serie is the multistage line for ball control valves.
This valve connects the concept of the multistage design, typical of a globe valve, to the high Cv of a rotary control valve.
The adoption of this design allow avoiding noise problems and the beginning of the cavitation since the pressure is kept always higher than the flashpoint limit, by an engineered control of the fluid velocities. This is obtained by the insertion of parallel-perforated plates inside the ball that realize the multiple breaking of the entire pressure drop.
In order to make the plates work properly, it is necessary to control the valve-opening angle: the suggested/optimal opening would be lower than 40-45 degrees.
This is necessary to avoid the fluid to by-pass the plate and reach the downstream side vanishing their effect.
The possibility of customizing on the particular process conditions the internal perforated plates gives to this valve the capability to provide improved performance for demanding applications.
The valve is proposed with casted (standard) or forged split-body, with ASME B16.10 face to face dimension short (standard) or long pattern, and it is available with single, double or double block-and-bleed seat options.