Top Guided Globe Angle Control Valve - Series 92
As a variation of traditional globe straight-line control valve line, RMT VM Series 90s maintains the same construction principle of the Series 20s and it is designed to provide the best control performances and precise positioning. Globe angle valves are used in extremely severe services, such as:
- Choke applications.
- Erosive service.
- Flashing service (in this case, the flow to close configuration is preferable).
- Elsewhere the layout constraints do not allow the use of a straight-line globe valve.
The 92 Serie Globe Control Valve has a top guided quick-change design, which allows covering a wide range of pressure/temperature applications. The unbalanced plug execution is engineered to offer a smooth behavior for superior process control and guarantees excellent performances with dirty, corrosive, sticking and slightly abrasive fluids.

Main characteristics
- DN up to 6’’.
- Quick-change Design.
- Heavy Top Guided.
- Characterized Throttling Plug (Linear, Equal percentage, Quick-Opening).
- Leakage Class IV by Standard, Tight Shutoff Class V and Class VI.
Many options
- Metal/soft seated.
- Packing fugitive emission compliant, bellow sealing.
- Exotic materials