Globe Straight Way Top Guided Control Valve - Serie 22
RMT VM Serie 20s is the main family of linear globe control valve, with a single seat construction and a straight way design.
The 22 Serie Globe Control Valve is a quick-change valve with unbalanced plug top guided by a special bushing, particularly suitable for dirty fluids. Plug is the regulating element of the trim, since it’s contoured to ensure the valve desired flow characteristic behavior. The quick-change construction is obtained by the use of a retainer ring that keeps in position the seat ring and makes possible to energize the body-seat gasket.
Due to its simple and rugged construction, it is used in a wide range of applications. The combination of shutoff capabilities, trim designs, precise valve positioning, and actuator stability offers optimum control performances.

Main characteristics
- DN up to 6’’.
- Quick-change Design.
- Heavy Top Guided.
- Characterized Throttling Plug (Linear, Equal percentage, Quick-Opening).
- Leakage Class IV by Standard, Tight Shutoff Class V and Class VI.
Many options
- Metal/soft seated.
- Packing fugitive emission compliant, bellow sealing.
- Exotic materials.